His Vision Ministries is a resource and media ministry of Pastor Shane Lawson. His Vision Ministries uses many different technologies to share Pastor Shane's messages, devotionals, live video streams and resources across the globe, with intentions of reaching millions of lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
In 2009, the Holy Spirit of God laid on Pastor Shane's heart to start His Vision Ministries as a resource for other pastors and as a hub for readers to receive a weekly devotional study. Eventually the ministry continued to grow as Pastor Shane would write daily devotions. Today the ministry is seeking the Holy Spirit on ways to bring hope and daily encouragement to individuals and families through daily devotions, video nuggets, discipleship, and spreading the gospel of Jesus around the globe.
Why do we exist? (Our Purpose):
The PURPOSE is to Win the Lost, Equip the Saint, and Send the Called.
What do we plan to do? (Our Vision):
Our VISION is to build a center and resources for reaching people with Christian development for the Kingdom of God.
How are we going to accomplish this?
(Our Mission):
Our MISSION is to worship and work together in evangelizing the world, edifying one another, and equipping the saints.