Mark 1:23 tells us, "And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit..." Friend, if there was ever a curse of Christianity, it is the curse of complaining and murmuring. Unfortunately, today, many of God's people seem to be among the most unhappy people on planet earth. Complaining is a vile habit that spurs from the devil himself and is straight from the pit of hell, and I must say it is particularly evil when anybody does it.
Do you realize as a Christian that when you murmur and complain, you stand against God? We are rebelling against God anytime we complain about God's church. Murmuring is wickedness that should not be in the church, and many let the devil use them to tear down God's things and allow an unclean spirit to enter the church.
I pray that God rebukes and protects His church from grumbling and people who stand against His desires and will. In addition, I pray that the LORD lay one hand on the back and over the mouth of any such persons who would cause division, dissension, and discord in the house of God.
Philippians 2:14 says, "Do all things without murmurings..." Amen!