For many right now in your life, you are enduring the most discouraging days you have ever faced. You are tempted right now to quit, and I don't know anyone who ever quit that prospered in anything.
Today many people lose heart and give up too quickly. During a trial, the promises of God's Word have prevented me from throwing in the towel. Friend, there is never a good time to give up doing good. Despite circumstances, I keep pressing toward the mark of the high calling and, through the trial, continue to praise God through the storm.
Paul encourages us not to lose heart and not to become weary. Whatever is going on, do not give up. Living life is hard work, and being a dedicated follower of the Lord Jesus Christ is hard work. Paul says in Galatians 6:9, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not."