In Joshua chapter 9, we read where Joshua confronts the southern kings. In this passage, we learn that every open door doesn't have God's hand on the handle and is not the will of God. Often, we presume that it is a green light if God's name comes up. Unfortunately, many people call upon the name of God while having other plans. Just because God's name is being brought up is no guarantee.
Joshua asks the difficult question, Who are you, and where did you come from? Sometimes we need to seek and ask the Many times; we allow our attention to become diverted and fail to ask the difficult questions that should get the sufficient answer. It is easy to get off task when people throw compliments at you. We should always do one of the things when attempting to discern God's will pray to God about it. Communicating with God becomes our biggest mistake most of the time because we either don't take time to pray about it. We must talk to God about our situations.
Here we see that Joshua knew enough before leading his troops into the battle. By failing to seek God's direction and rushing ahead with our plans, we end up dealing with consequences that we cannot magically erase. Just remember, because it's a good deal doesn't mean that it's God's deal. Amen!