Isaiah 7:14
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, And shall call his name Immanuel.
At Isaiah 7:14, we have one of the most special prophecies in the bible that transcends time and history. Through the prophet Isaiah, God foretold Immanuel's birth, whose translation meant "God with us." Though the prophecy was immediately crucial to King Ahaz, its real meaning came to be noticed in the person of Jesus Christ- the Son of God, who was conceived in the womb of a virgin to save the world.
All through this verse is a clear indication that our God is faithful and intimate in our lives: Immanuel is not only a name but a statement about God's desire for His people.
He descended into our messiness and put on human flesh so He could be among us. Jesus reflects God's fullness in showing His love, compassion, and grace.
"God with us" is always true. No matter what we are going through in life, this promise stands.
In times of joy, He is with us. In times of sadness, He comes close to us. Whenever we feel disconnected or fearful about our lives He stays close by giving us strength. However, this takes place because of Jesus, by which we understand (Rm 8:28) that God is always working things out as part of His eternal plan—and we trust that it is all for good—even if we do not understand how initially.
Think about how "God with us" affects your perspective on today's struggles as you reflect on this verse. Dwell in His presence because this is what He promised to do.
Thank you, dear Lord, for giving us Emmanuel, who came to save us and be Immanuel—Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amid my changing feelings, whether good or bad, there remains a constant presence of Yours, which may even scare me occasionally; even so, all I have to do is trust that You are close enough because such thoughts are genuine expressions of Yours (Be still and know that I am God). Life brings about anxiety; hence, it makes me rely on You based on Your proximity. Since then, there will be rest while knowing that I am secure within Your stable walls, protected by almighty power, free from any danger (Psalm 23). Please give me calmness through experiencing "Emmanuel" with everyone else involved within its meaning today, even unto me: during my quiet moments, let me recognize these sentiments emboldened by them. After this, I shall speak more confidently using them as my foundation, which includes feeling loved by someone very special – our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, whom we always seek until the journey's end. Thank You, Lord, for your closeness today, along with the mercy that I have received regardless of whatever wrong I may have done unto You may be sure known as "God with us."