If we are wearing the banner of Christianity and living out the victorious Christian life, we must live under the Holy Spirit's influence. The Holy Spirit enters our body when we surrender our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ and become a part of the family of God.
Ephesians 5:18 reads, "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit." When Paul says, "Don't be drunk with wine," he refers to your old way of life and selfish desires. This lifestyle has no place in the lives of believers. Paul says we don't need alcohol to influence us, but the Holy Spirit should influence and control us.
It is just as sinful for a Christian not to be influenced by the Holy Spirit of God as it is for a Christian to be drunk. When the Spirit influences your life, you will begin to live a thankful life through all circumstances. In other words, you can give thanks for everything.
May our prayer be for the Lord to send men and women filled with God's Holy Spirit and fire. We need Christians and churches in America to be influenced by the Holy Spirit. It begins with you and me; may the Spirit of God influence every child of God daily. Amen!