As Christians, we tend to get our focus off of what God has called us to do. He has chosen us to be the tools that will take the gospel to the world, but we are often useless to this cause. To be transparent, our eyes are typically fixed on the wrong things. If we had our focus where it belonged, then we would be going about the work that Christ has commanded to us.
Jesus Christ said in John 4:3 that there are "four months between planting and harvest. But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest." Jesus tells us in this passage that we need to open our eyes and focus on the fields.
For too long, many people have had their eyes on themselves. We are a people more concerned with our own lives, our problems, and even our spiritual growth, but what about the fields? We tend to focus on the inward, but Jesus says, "wake up and look around." In other words, focus on the fields. Friend, they are ready to be harvested. AMEN!