Psalm 16:8 says: “I have set the LORD always before me…I shall not be moved.” In other words: “I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me.” This Psalm talks about the life of a believer that is not moved, and this is speaking of a life that is stable and does ride a roller coaster of emotion that is up and down all of the time.
We see throughout Psalm 16 the picture of death, burial, and eventually the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Jesus died for our sins, and He is alive today. Our eyes must be securely fastened on our Father in Heaven. If you endure suffering, trouble, and temptation, the only way to not be shaken or moved is to keep your eyes on the Father.
When you live so close to God that your eyes are on the Father and not on this world, you can be assured based on God’s promise; you will not be shaken because He is right beside you. 2 Timothy 4:17 says: “The Lord stood with me.” I know for a fact that He is right beside me. Amen!