In Genesis chapter 41, we read about the life of a man named Joseph who had been thrown in a pit and sold as an enslaved person by his brothers. Next, he went from the pit to prison for being falsely accused of committing adultery. While Joseph was in prison, God allowed him to interpret dreams. All he has to do is interpret a dream for Pharaoh to have the chance to escape prison. Joseph is such an honest person; he says to Pharaoh, “It is not in me.” But he proceeds to say that “God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.”
This entire time, Joseph focused on God because God was with him. Joseph understood that he was who he was because of the providence of God. Joseph knew that God would not forsake him. Today, I serve in the ministry because I am much like Joseph. God planned to call me into the ministry and gave me the grace to focus on Him.
Friend, you are who you are because of the providence of God. God’s providence is shown in Romans 8:28, where the Bible says: “And we know that those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose.” “All things” means “all things.” Amen!