My friends, rather or not you know it, the Bible teaches that we were created for service. Today many people are miserable because they have missed the point God has for their lives. The Bible says that we are to be the salt and the light of the world (Matthew 5:13). We learn in life that by serving others, we become happier.
I do what I do as a church pastor because I am happy serving others. Colossians 3:23-24 says: “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”
When someone is genuinely in need, we should be helping them by giving them food, our time, and attention. The Lord knows that when we do something to help others, we do it for Him. I enjoy going around our community and giving away free batteries for smoke detectors. There is no hidden agenda in distributing batteries; it is just a way to serve others and show God’s love in a practical way. In my heart, I want to be sure that people realize our church loves them and cares for them and that we want the light of Jesus to radiate from us with nothing in return. The truth be known; in my heart, I am not even trying to get them to our church. Building relationships through serving is what matters.
The most touching thing I have ever heard about serving others was several years ago when a teen at our church who has autism was found helping a homeless man with food and water. The autistic teen would continuously take supplies to this helpless person each day. This demonstrates authentic servanthood, and it tears my eyes whenever I think about this story. There is a great lesson for all of us to learn from this teenager and his heart for God. Ask yourself today, “What will I do this week to serve others?” We are commanded through love to serve one another. Amen!