There is a part in the Bible that I have to be honest; I have a difficult time with, and so do many other Christians. The Bible says that if someone slaps you on the cheek, you should turn the other cheek. Now, most of us wish that verse would say something like, if someone slaps me on the cheek, I turn his cheek. But that is not what it says, and the Lord Jesus made it clear that we are to turn the other cheek.
I know that we all have an instinct that if someone comes up and slaps you on the face, naturally, you want to slap them back. There will be temptations and trials in all of our lives where we want to attempt to get even with others. We must realize that when we have the Love of God, that means that we will turn the other cheek.
Not to be disrespectful or hurt feelings; if you are not a follower of Christ, this does not apply to you right now. However, anyone who is a follower of the Lord Jesus will not only love their friends, but they will also love their enemies. In other words, we are to love those who wrong us. As hard as it may be, we are to love not only those who love us back but those who don't.
In the past couple of years, I have had false accusations and enemies rise against me for simply following the will of God and teaching the truth, but regardless of how they feel, I must move forward and love those that do wrong. We all must do that if we are a part of the family of God. AMEN!
1 John 4:7 reads: "Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God."