When I think of values, it saddens me to think of our society's values today, especially when it comes to family values. The first institution created was that of the home. Today, many things we read and hear that happen in America's homes are bothersome and ungodly.
In Genesis chapter 19, we read where Lot pursued to satisfy many things, including instilling the wrong values into His family. He made the wrong choice when he offered his daughters and then was overruled by God's messengers. His compromised life sent mixed messages to his entire family. He lost all influence on his sons-in-law. His daughters got him drunk and had an ungodly relationship with him. His wife was rebellious and was destroyed and turned into a pillar of salt because of her pride.
Are you instilling or promoting the wrong values in your family?
Proverbs 11:29: "He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: And the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart."