Scripture: John 10:9
9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
In John 10:9, Jesus refers to himself as the door, making it a strong allegory for access, security, and supply. A door offers entrance into an inner space, and Jesus claims that he is the sole path to salvation. This confers upon us entry into tranquility, security, and perpetual blessings in God’s abode.
In saying that we “have come in and out and found pasture,” Jesus underlines the freedom and contentment found in him. Such a life is, however, not characterized by any form of confinement brought about by fear or doubt but by full provisions in terms of safety. Just as all sheep are allowed into a good grazing field by their shepherds, so those who follow Jesus, either physically or spiritually, are devoured with food.
To have this relationship, though, we must take that step of faith by going through what is called the door—certainly not any other way. Only Christ is The Door through which anyone can come into them and live more abundantly if He believes and follows them. In Him only shall we receive great grace, which enables us to be under His tender care and fills us with joy.
• Have you really entered into what Christ offers, or are there other pathways that seem inviting?
• How can you trust Jesus more deeply for safety and provision?
Acknowledge, my dear Lord, that You are the door to salvation and an all-encompassing life that You have assured me. Thank you for your protection, provision, and the liberty I enjoy within you. May you help me trust completely your way, walk under your patronage, and feel secure while dwelling with thee forever. Amen! Jesus shows me that you are my shepherd and leader, using my life to draw people closer to you through salvation by grace. Teach me how to depend on you as my shepherd and leader to bring those around me closer to your side, for I ask and pray in your name.